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uPVC Windows & Doors

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uPVC Windows & Doors
INTRODUCTION uPVC is a form of plastic and stands for unplasticised polyvinyl chloride. It is also known as rigid PVC due to the fact that it is hard and not flexible. It is a resistant from of PVC that is often used for pipework and window frames. uPVC is proven to offer excellent performance and durability, it is long lasting and requires very little maintenance making it the perfect material for your windows. It is also recognised for its thermal efficiency, sound insulation and great value for money. With Safestyle you can rest assured that even in the harshest weather conditions your windows will not warp, rot or rust due to the quality and nature of the uPVC we manufacture. WHY uPVC WINDOW & DOOR
SN UPVC Window Wooden Window Iron Window
1 Factory Made Product Locally Fabricated Locally/ Factory Fabricated
2 100% Water   Proof   & Termite   Proof  &  Borer Free. Prone to  Borer & Termite. Window shutters wraps when absorbs moisture. Corrodes  in contact with water
3 Maintenance Free Requires maintenance reguarly Required maintenance
4 Operated smoothly without making noise. Makes noise, affected with weather & moisture Makes noise, because Iron is corrosive product.
5 Light in Weight Heavy in Weight Heavy in Weight
6 Not  required any paint or polish, silky, finish gives an elegant look Requires painting & polishing Requires painting & polishing
7 100% Environment friendly Not- Environment friendly encourages deforestation ———-
8 UPVC Window cost approx 6000/- to 8000/- Per depends on construction  of  Window, including all Hard wares, painting, Polishing & installation Window cost approx Rs.2000/- to  Rs.2700/- Per square mt. of Sagwan ‘A’ Grade material including  all  Hard  wares, painting, Polishing & installation Iron Window cost approx Rs.2000/- to Rs. 2500/- Per Sq. Mt. excluding maintenance cost.
9 No Maintenance required Requires maintenance 250/- to 300/- Per three year Requires maintenance Per three year approx 300/-
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